You can even use the Replit URL to run your job, as long as the Repl is running. Make sure to replace YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS with a valid email address and YOUR_RESEND_API_KEY with your Resend API key, and then you can run the following in your terminal:
# This assumes your API key is set in the current env# BOOPER_API_KEY=sk_...curl--location--request POST ''\--header"Content-Type: application/json"\--header"Authorization: Bearer $BOOPER_API_KEY"\--data-raw '{"method":"post","url":"","body":{"recipient": YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS,"resend_api_key": YOUR_RESEND_API_KEY,"exclude":"$state.sent"},"cron":"0 10 * * MON,WED,FRI"}'
First, let’s define a helper function to pick a random essay:
constgetRandomEssay=(excluding =[])=>{// Add as many as you likeconst slugs =["avg","say","nerds","taste","gh","road","wealth"];const options = slugs.filter((s)=>!excluding.includes(s));const index =Math.floor(Math.random()* options.length);return slugs[index];};
When you create a job on a schedule, the scheduler will pass in some metadata into the body of each request. Included in the metadata is the schedule’s state, which can be accessed at req.body.$state and set or updated in the response.
Let’s modify the API handler to take advantage of $state:
We can clean this up a bit by taking advantage of dynamic values in our job schedule configuration. When we set the request body for our job, we can write it like this:
{// Pass in `req.body.$state?.sent` as `req.body.exclude`"exclude":"$state.sent"}
If we do this, we can change the line above from this:
const exclude = req.body.$state?.sent ||[];
To this:
const exclude = req.body.exclude ||[];
Now, assuming you’ve deployed your API endpoint to, you can create your scheduled job by running the following script in your terminal with your BOOPER_API_KEY set, and the url modified to the appropriate domain:
# This assumes your API key is set in the current env# BOOPER_API_KEY=sk_...curl--location--request POST ''\--header"Content-Type: application/json"\--header"Authorization: Bearer $BOOPER_API_KEY"\--data-raw '{"method":"post","url":"","body":{"recipient": YOUR_EMAIL_ADDRESS,"resend_api_key": YOUR_RESEND_API_KEY,"exclude":"$state.sent"},"cron":"0 10 * * MON,WED,FRI"}'